Welcome to the St. Rose of Lima Parish. I hope and pray that you’ll find here a little bit of the family spirit that characterizes the good people of Saint Rose. Our parish is blessed to be named for Saint Rose, the first canonized Saint of the Americas. With her as our example and inspiration, we strive to live lives of generosity, humility and love for our Lord in the Eucharist. The parish staff and I are at your disposal. So whether you are a parishioner or a visitor, make yourself at home, and if we can be of assistance in some way, please feel free to contact us. Let me take a moment to thank each and all of you who do so much for our parish, and may we continue to work together as the Lords’ family here on earth. Those who have gone before us left us a tremendous heritage of faith, family and a tradition of hard work – may we live up to such a call. Be sure of my good wishes, prayers, and concern always. May the good Lord bless you for all you do for Him and Saint Rose of Lima Parish.
Fr. Alexander Anderson
Pastor; St. Rose of Lima Parish